Monday 5 October 2009

This image is from the horror movie called The Shining. This shot is in context of a boy who is seeing things as he cycles down a hallway on a tricycle, this image then flashes into his brain. This shot only lasts about half a second and this creates an even scarier effect than if it were to be held for longer as the image is alarming and flashes into your brain just like it flashes into the young boys brain. This image represents horror by showing an extreme amount of blood covering the walls, floors and the two dead girls lying in the middle of the hallway. There is an axe lying in front of the two girls and this shows that they have been murdered and this suggests the possibility of a murderer in the building. There is also a chair in the corner which is upside down which suggests that it is not a safe place to be. The hallway is also dark and lacking colour which makes the colour of the blood stand out. These horrific effects would have been created using various different elements. Lighting would have been used to create the dark and gloomy effect of the hallway which gets lighter towards the end of the hallway creating the effect that there could be someone around the corner. Make-up would have been used to create the effect of blood all over the walls and the dead bodies. Props such as the tilted picture frames, the upside down chair, the axe and the two dead bodies make up the horrific image and the long shot from the camera creates a sense of emptiness in the hallway and makes the hallway look longer and scarier.